New Plan

I’m a Macaluso, that means I can change plans midway, thus ruining the possibility of any individual plan being completed. See how that goes?

So anway, I’m back to my original plan of selling my CRX and getting a bug. Damnit. First step, clean the mo fo.

Oh my god. This was no simple, run of the mill messy car. This… could have been a road rules challenge. It took me almost an hour and it’s still dirty, just no longer messy. I know what you’re thinking:

Vincent, in your twisted mind, what’s the difference between ‘dirty’ and ‘messy’?

I’m glad you asked.

Dirty means I just have to vacumm the two years of dirt out of all the little crevices and edges and floors and dash and and and and.

Messy means there’s scraps of wood, rollerblades, books, boxes and ants in the car that are physically intruding on your personal space. Sometimes biting you.

During lunch I filled a giant industrial sized garbage bag full of broken down boxes (from when we moved in a year and a half ago), scrap wood (from when I added on to my CD shelf last year), books, books and more books that I was going to take to the Salvation Army last Christmas, and let’s not mention CDs that were in the wrong cases, and one of my rollerblades that I thought I had lost.

Uhg. There’s still a few ants.

But I tell you, it’s going to look nice when I’m done.

If I’m ever done.

If I don’t change my mind again.


Continuing the current trend of large-scale mergers and acquisitions, it was announced today at a press conference that Christmas and Chanukah will merge. An industry source said that the deal had been in the works for about 1300 years.

While details were not available at press time, it is believed that the overhead cost of having twelve days of Christmas and eight days of Chanukah was becoming prohibitive for both sides. By combining forces, we’re told, the world will be able to enjoy consistently high-quality service during the 15 Days of Chrisnukah, as the new holiday is being called. Massive layoffs are expected, with lords a-leaping and maids a-milking being the hardest hit. As part of the conditions of the agreement, the letters on the dreydl, currently in Hebrew, will be replaced by Latin, thus becoming unintelligible to a wider audience. Also, instead of translating to A great miracle happened there, the message on the dreydl will be the more generic Miraculous stuff happens.

In exchange, it is believed that Jews will be allowed to use Santa Claus and his vast merchandising resources for buying and delivering their gifts. In fact, one of the sticking points holding up the agreement for at least three hundred years was the question of whether Jewish children could leave milk and cookies for Santa, even after having eaten meat for dinner. A breakthrough came last year when Oreos were finally declared to be kosher. All sides appeared happy about this development except for Santa’s dentist. He then closed the press conference by leading all present in a rousing rendition of Oy, Come all Ye Faithful.

Yes indeed


Hey baby, welcome to walgreens. Merry Christmas.

Hey, I’m so glad y’all are open, I wasn’t feeling well and I slept for most of the day. I woke up and realised I was out of cat food and bread. I figured I’d make a run to the grocery and pick some things up before tomorrow, but everyone is closed.

Yeah baby, we’re normally open till 11 on Christmas eve but we’re open till midnight this year. I told our manager it’s dangerous, but he dont care.

Dangerous? Were y’all held up or something?


No. It’s dangerous to put your cash before the cross like this, but we all get what’s coming to us. If you put your cash before the cross you’re just playing with fire. Playing with fire!



… and brimstone I guess, eh?

Yes indeed!

I shouldn’t encourage the religious, I know.. but it’s just so much fun.

merry christmas (eve)

As is tradition in my family, I got to open one of my presents from Dan today and WOW. He got me a digital picture frame. You plug it in, hook it to the phone line and it downloads pictures that you upload to their website. It’s just about the coolest thing ever. Thank you!

Speaking of which, I’m going to be uploading some more shots here soon. More from the white elephant party, some from work and a few others random shots.