My Soundtrack: Landlocked Blues

It was sometime early September 2005. I had recently accepted the fact that I had lost everything in my apartment to the flood waters, including all of my CDs, albums and porn.

The first thing I wanted to do (after buying a pair of shoes) was buy music. I walked into Sam Goody in some forgettable shopping center in Montgomery, Alabama and bought something safe and something new: Queen’s A Night at the Opera and Bright Eyes, I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning. I don’t know why I bought Bright Eyes, I had heard good things about him but had no idea which of his many albums to get. I liked the name of this one.

I forced Carlos to play pieces of it in the car on the way back to the ‘refugee camp.’ It was OK, but I don’t think I listened to it again until May 2006 or so. This time I was washing dishes in the kitchen while iTunes randomly selected tracks from my mp3 library. Suddenly this song was playing that I had never heard before. I stopped washing dishes, walked into the living room, sat down on the bed and cried.

A few of the songs on the soundtrack helped free myself from myself from time to time. This is one of them.

Lyrics are after this link, but I don’t think you’ll need them.
Continue reading “My Soundtrack: Landlocked Blues”

Family and Friend’s Whereabouts

Please feel free to use the comments function to update your information here. Don’t put address or phone numbers here. Send them to me and I’ll keep track of them the best I can. Email me for more info.

T = I have a land line for them.

Julie is in Baton Rouge with a bunch of friends at a hotel. (7 humans, 2 cats and a dog in one hotel room!) She’s flying out to Virginia to stay with some friends. T

Jason, his dad, his grandfather, his two dogs and two cats stayed for the storm… they’re on their way out the city, but I’m not sure where to.
update 9/3 Jason are “in Memphis going from hotel room to hotel room. We’ll have a permanent suite on Monday. Permanent. God, that sounds depressing. :P How about temporarily permanent? “

My brother Michael, as of Monday night, was in a hotel in N.O. near the airport that the airline is paying for, but they have no water or power.
update 9/1 Michael is going to Charlotte N.C. for work.

My sister and her husband are going to stay with his family in New Jersey with their dog.
update 9/1 Kay, Johnny and pooch are in New Jersey. T

J A S O N is in a “smoke filled double-wide outside Alexandria”

Stacey and John(?) are staying with parental units in Birmingham, AL. Maybe we can hook up? I love Marshall and Carlos, but it’d be nice to see someone else! :)

Gilya is in Houston, but is moving somewhere else soon. T (hotel number)

I don’t know where David (Brown) is, but I got a text message back from him, so I know he’s alright.
update 9/1 Dennis Lauscha has confirmed via txt message to Marshall that David is OK

Brian (Asbury) went to Indiana to see his parents, doesn’t know when (or even if) he’s coming back. T

Kiki and Mags are ok, but I don’t remember where they are. (sorry!)
update 9/1 Kiki is in Marksville, with her sister. Mags is in Louisville, KY with her gf.

Mark (Grapes) and his kitty are in Baton Rouge with friends.

Gina is in Port Sulfur with Family. T

Debbie and Lloyd are in Baton Rouge with thier cats.

I got texted from Dan, it seemed like he was in the Hotel. I hope he managed to get out.
update 9/1 Dan msged me that he is going to Birmingham or Houston for work.
update 9/3 Dan is going to Birmingham.
Kasey is In Nacotoches with friends (?)

Christopher (Kent) is in Texas with friends.

Mary, Earl and Marc were staying with kay and Johnny in Mississippi but are going somewhere else.
update 9/1 Mary et all were supposedly going to a Redcross Shelter

Jeffery was in Baton Rouge on Sunday and Illinois last night. Guess he’s making his way to Chicago? T
update 9/1 Jeff is still in rural Illinois. “Will stay [there] for home base”

update 9/ 1 Myke Yest is in Florida with his mom.

update 9/1 I heard from Rachelle. She didn’t say where she was.

update 9/1 Patrick Thompson sent me this: “Pallie and I are in Spring Branch, Texas with some friends. We’ve got my mother-in-law, her dog and two cats, and our two cats.” T

update 9/1 Michael Hernandez is in Lafayette. T

I’m not sure what happened to my grandmother… her nursing home was “dry” as of Monday night, but without water I assume they had to evacuate. My mom hasn’t been able to get in touch with them since then.

update 9/1 Brandon is in Jackson, LA.

Run away!! Run away!!

I woke up Saturday morning to the booming sound of my friend Christopher’s voice on my cell phone: “GET THE FUCK OUT!”

After watching the Weather Channel for a few minutes, learning that Katrina was a Category 5 Huricane and remembering that Broadmoor, the subdivision I live in, is the lowest area of New Orleans (or, as my friend Marshall puts it The Deep End of the Pool I decided to call around to see if I could tag along with anyone in an attempt to get the fuck out of dodge. Long story short: Marshall, Carlos, Plato, Lydia and I have evacuated to Montgomery, Alabama and are staying with Carlos’ parents in his sister’s gay ex-husband’s semi-abandoned for-sale house. Yes, it confuses me as well. Fabulous house though.

The kitties did excellent in the car; Nary a peep out of either of them for the entire FOURTEEN HOUR DRIVE. I’m so proud of them. We stopped along the way twice, once to pee on the side of the road after no peeing for eight hours, once to to get a burger at McDonalds after not eating for ten hours.

What’s grosser than gross? Being told that Marshall “had to pee a couple of other times as well, but luckily he had a couple of empty water bottles in the car with him.”

What’s grosser than that? Seeing him pour out said water bottles in the parking lot of McDonalds.

So anyway, I’m in a Mongomery public library using the net, resisting the urge to look up porn, but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. I have a feeling we arn’t going to be coming home for a few days, so I’ll have to make do.

A few friends of mine stayed home.. I hope they’re OK. All the cell phones are going crazy and it takes forever to get through to anyone, if you get through at all. So, anyway, if I haven’t been able to get through to you I wanted to let you know I’m ok and hope you guys are as well. Seeing stories like this really make me nervous.

Well, I lost Marshall and Carlos in the library, they were supposed to be in the computer lab, but they’re not, so I better go look for them before they leave me here. :)

Good luck!

We’re too stupid for Toyota

I’m sure a lot of people would be upset about this article: Toyota deciding to open new plants in Canada, because americans are stupid. The truth is, the US is so concerned about keeping and creating oppressive laws on the books to protect it’s religious protected ignorance that we’re slowly becoming a nation of people dependant on the very government that once let us to independence. Disgusting, really.

“The level of the workforce in general is so high that the training program you need for people, even for people who have not worked in a Toyota plant before, is minimal compared to what you have to go through in the southeastern United States…”

That’s us, folks.

He said Nissan and Honda have encountered difficulties getting new plants up to full production in recent years in Mississippi and Alabama due to an untrained – and often illiterate – workforce. In Alabama, trainers had to use “pictorials” to teach some illiterate workers how to use high-tech plant equipment.

Didn’t MS schools beat ours, the last time around?