
Hurricanes and Kittens

Long time no post. I actually started to draft a brief expose’ on my hurricane experience but trashed it midway after deciding it wasn’t very interesting.

All of a sudden I’m starting to wonder.. just what is interesting enough to blog about? I mean, are random posts revolving around silly anecdotes in the life of someone you don’t know really all that interesting? Then I remember in the world of blogging, yes they are.

Damn, I’m glad I kept that hurricane post.

Hurricane Post:
Hey everyone. Here’s my little hurricane story. I was up till 4ish on Wednesday night.. I was watching TV and trying to sleep on the sofa while trying to both keep informed of the hurricane via the TV and block out the screaming wind coming from the window at the same time. Around 3 or so David Bernard (Channel 4 weatherman and my downstairs neighbor, yeah.. go me) started talking about tornados touching down in Jefferson and Orleans parishes. At 3:03 or so the wind surged a few times outside the house, I screamed like a girl, threw the sofa cushions in the hallway, laid my head down and fell asleep. (The hallway is the only area in our house that isn’t surrounded by glass and therefore the safest place to hovel like a dog should I be carried away over the rainbow.)

I woke up about every hour on the half hour until 6:30 to the sounds of howling wind, random scary thumps on the walls, and a frenetic kitten jumping on my face… When I finally got off the floor at 11am the power was out so I hung out with Plato in the darkness for a while. I went outside to ask neighbors what happened and was told a phone pole on our corner fell and took out the power line on the way down. Entergy came out in the afternoon to take care of the live wires but couldn’t turn the power back on until the wind cleared and the downed trees/pole was taken care of. I left around 2pm and went to rocky and Carlos’ in ‘Da Parish’, ate a sloppy roast beef po-boy and some Mac & Cheese with my mom and Terry, then they took me to pick up my car from work. (I left my car on the 5th floor in the parking garage.) Of course, because I’m a moron, I left my lights on and had to get a jump from some exhausted med student who had probably been working for the prior 72 hours and tried desperately to talk his way out of it… When I got home around 5:30 the power was still out so Julie, Alberto and I went to Wal-Mart to kill some time.

The moral of the story? BBQ flavored Vienna Sausage is f’ing disgusting.